Investment Fund Data Model

The data model is a scope of the Financial Industry Business Data Model, FIB-DM.

Our patented US12038939 technology derived FIB-DM from the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO).

Corporate Actions & Events (CAE) is one of the fourteen main packages in the FIB-DM 2024/Q2 version. For Investment Managers and Servicers, the new data model derived from the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) provides corporate actions, market data, securities, and derivatives packages.

Base Entities, in yellow, derived from FIBO classes, are things of interest to the fund.

Blue associative entities, derived from FIBO object properties, connect two or more base entities. Note that the associated second entity may be in another package and, hence, not depicted in the diagram.

The Fund, Fund Unit, and Terms entities are oversized to accommodate the numerous relationships. Textboxes point out clusters of entities modeling fund specifics:

  • Legal – the fund structure and legal entity
  • Characteristics are the fund type, properties, and further information
  • Servicing Parties associate roles, such as manager, advisor, auditor, and provider to the fund. Notice the side-by-side subtype hierarchies of the associative entity and Thing in Role, typical for Semantic Data Models.
  • Investment Policy and Restrictions are modeled in another cluster of entities.
  • The Portfolio and Processing have their definition in the lower right corner.

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