SECFirmType |
owl:Class |
Per report there is one instance of this class for every fiming firm. Object properties connect the instance to the main filing structures: iapd-sec-cr:filingRef iapd-sec-cr:FilingType iapd-sec-cr:formInfoRef iapd-sec-cr:SECFormInfoType iapd-sec-cr:infoRef iapd-sec-cr:SECOrgInfoType iapd-sec-cr:mailingAddrRef iapd-sec-cr:AddrType iapd-sec-cr:mainAddrRef iapd-sec-cr:AddrType iapd-sec-cr:noticeFiledRef iapd-sec-cr:NoticeFiledType iapd-sec-cr:rgstnRef iapd-sec-cr:RgstnType |
SECFirm type |
iapd-sec-cr:noticeFiledRef max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:mailingAddrRef max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:rgstnRef only iapd-sec-cr:RgstnType |
iapd-sec-cr:noticeFiledRef only iapd-sec-cr:NoticeFiledType |
iapd-sec-cr:filingRef only iapd-sec-cr:FilingType |
iapd-sec-cr:formInfoRef max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:mainAddrRef only iapd-sec-cr:AddrType |
iapd-sec-cr:mainAddrRef max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:mailingAddrRef only iapd-sec-cr:AddrType |
iapd-sec-cr:rgstnRef min 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:infoRef exactly 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:infoRef only iapd-sec-cr:SECOrgInfoType |
iapd-sec-cr:filingRef min 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:formInfoRef only iapd-sec-cr:SECFormInfoType |
iapd-sec-cr:FirmReport |
The root class for a firm filing with references to filing type, form, organization, addresses, notice and regristration information. |
References | |
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