Item7AType |
owl:Class |
The answers are object properties to instances of the anwerYNType class. |
Item7AType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A5 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A15 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A3 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A7 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A14 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A6 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A11 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A5 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A8 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A12 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A11 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A16 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A16 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A6 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A10 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A4 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A9 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A1 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A2 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A9 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A4 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A8 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:FirmReport |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A2 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A7 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A15 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A10 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A13 max 1 |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A3 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A12 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A1 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A14 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
iapd-sec-cr:q7A13 only iapd-sec-cr:AnswerYNType |
Firm's response to Part1A Item 7A - Financial Industry Affiliations and Private Fund Reporting (1) broker-dealer, municipal securities dealer, or government securities broker or dealer (registered (2) other investment adviser (including financial planners) (3) registered municipal advisor (4) registered security-based swap dealer (5) major security-based swap participant (6) commodity pool operator or commodity trading advisor (whether registered or exempt from registration) (7) futures commission merchant (8) banking or thrift institution (9) trust company (10) accountant or accounting firm (11) lawyer or law firm (12) insurance company or agency (13) pension consultant (14) real estate broker or dealer (15) sponsor or syndicator of limited partnerships (or equivalent), excluding pooled investment vehicles (16) sponsor, general partner, managing member (or equivalent) of pooled investment vehicles |
References | |
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