Class iapd-sec-cr:Item5DType

The information is stored in xsd:string, but can be transformed into semantic of the brackets.
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2I only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1E max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2G max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2E only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1L max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1K max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2J max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1C max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2A only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2J only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1D only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2I max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1G only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2H only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1F max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1B max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1I max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1G max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1H max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1E only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1M max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2F only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2M only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2B only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1M only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2C only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1I only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2H max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1L only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2K max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2A max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2MOth max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2D only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2E max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1J max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2B max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1MOth max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1A only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2K only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2F max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1B only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1C only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2C max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1A max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2MOth only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1J only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2L max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1MOth only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2M max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1H only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2G only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1D max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2D max 1
iapd-sec-cr:q5D2L only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1F only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
iapd-sec-cr:q5D1K only iapd-sec-cr:Str128Datatype
Firm's response to Part1A Item 5D about the firms clients. The number of clients in brackets Up to 25%, Up to 50%, Up to 75%, >75% (1)(a)-Individuals (other than high net worth individuals). (1)(b)-High net worth individuals. (1)(c)-Banking or thrift institutions. (1)(d)-Investment companies (1)(e)-Business development companies. (1)(f)-Pooled investment vehicles (other than investment companies). (1)(g)-Pension and profit sharing plans (but not the plan participants). (1)(h)-Charitable organizations. (1)(i)-Corporations or other businesses not listed above. (1)(j)-State or municipal government entities. (1)(k)-Other investment advisers. (1)(l)-Insurance companies. (1)(m)-Other. The share of AUM in brackets Up to 25%, Up to 50%, Up to 75%, >75% (2)(a)-Individuals (other than high net worth individuals). (2)(b)-High net worth individuals. (2)(c)-Banking or thrift institutions. (2)(d)-Investment companies. (2)(e)-Business development companies. (2)(f)-Pooled investment vehicles (other than investment companies). (2)(g)-Pension and profit sharing plans (but not the plan participants). (2)(h)-Charitable organizations. (2)(i)-Corporations or other businesses not listed above. (2)(j)-State or municipal government entities. (2)(k)-Other investment advisers. (2)(l)-Insurance companies. (2)(m)-Other.

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